Shopify - Presta (or other engine) - creation / completion of an e-commerce site in English - integration with Baselinker

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Job description

Good Morning,

I need a person/company to complete an online store in English, there are two options:

1. completing the store on Shopify by the previous freelancer, who, for personal reasons, resigned from completing the order.

2. create a store from scratch, on a modern and intuitive platform, optimized for mobile browsers (we have 80 percent of our customers from mobile) and easy to integrate with BaseLinker warehouse.

Automotive industry (specialized parts) about 200 products.

The first step is to create a store in English, the next steps are to clone this store into the other 9 most popular languages.

I have the relevant translations of the texts for the stores, professionally done by a translation agency. Photos for the homepage, content for the blog, descriptions, etc.

Each of the stores is to be plugged into a dedicated national domain - from the point of view of a local customer, it is to look like a national store run locally in a given country.

More to be discussed in priv.

Template / individual design:


Required functions:

baselinker, optimization for google,