Setting up and operating amazon and ebay Germany

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    Dzień dobry, poszukuje osoby/wykładowcy z doświadczeniem pedagogicznym, chętnej do przygotowania prezentacji przygotowujących uczniów do matury z matematyki, biologii, języka angielskiego i polskiego. Kolejnym krokiem będzie wyjaśnienie treści prezentacji w formie zrzutu ekranu. Finalnie prezentacje zostaną umieszczona jako kurs na naszej platformie E-Learning. Zapraszamy do kontaktu wyłącznie nauczycieli!
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Data entry
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Job description

We are looking for a person/company specializing in setting up and configuring sales accounts on eBay and Amazon platforms, targeting the German market.

Scope of work:

1. setting up a seller account on eBay and Amazon in Germany.

2. Configuration of account settings, including payment settings, delivery and returns, terms and conditions.

3. Introducing our company's product offerings with appropriate translations (translations on our side, we have the products in xml and our German store) and adaptation to the specifics of the German market.

4. Optimizing and advising on the best sales, promotion and customer service practices in the German market.


1. experience in setting up and configuring sales accounts on eBay and Amazon platforms.

2. Knowledge of the specifics of the German e-commerce market.

Below is a link to our store to get an idea of the products and their quantities (corners on the introduction of only 1 type/card):

The job in figures:

setting up and configuring sales accounts

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