Job description
I will outsource the rewriting of a web application written in Vue.js 3 into a native application, either for Android or iPhone or both. :)
Execution is free, NativeScript can be used.
The application consists of:
- login module
- registration module and profile form
- four tabs
- the first one displays the text downloaded from the API
- the second displays a list (each item contains an image and text) downloaded from the API
- the third as above
- the fourth contains an image and a transition to the settings
The application uses technologies:
local storage, jwt, service-worker with notifications, vuex, signalr, vue-i18n, Google Maps API,
In total, it contains 34 images, 45 views and components. All of them are scripted and have their own behaviors. A total of about 9 thousand lines of code including html, css and js.
Layout is defined in css. And should definitely be preserved.
The API is currently running on the web, you should be hooked up to it. There is a test instance. :)
In reply, please let me know for which system (Android, iOS) this is offered, or that it is for both.
Have a nice day