Resolving recaptcha + booking appointments on the website

Closed job

Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    Daniel Piskurewicz
    I am looking for a person to add products to the store, adding photos, description, colors, sizes and stocks. Billing on the number of products, completion time as soon as possible. 50 products, dress industry.
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    I am looking for an experienced person to prepare the product file for import. The number of products we have is 90. 82 of these products have 60-119 size variations. The remaining products are add-ons to choose from. Descriptions need to be developed for the import file and each variant.
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Olga Igarashi
Job category:
Data entry
Expected budget:

100.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

The order is to book an appointment on the website of the Silesian Provincial Office for: FAST TRACK submission of applications for temporary residence, permanent residence, long-term EU resident.

The appointments appear every day at 8:00 a.m. You need to select any time, solve the recaptcha test and then enter the client's data.

I pay for each booked appointment.

Place or location:

The job in figures:

For this moment I need 4 bookings. After successfully passing the recaptcha and getting to the booking page, I will provide the details of the person (first name, last name, email) for whom the booking is to be made.

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Added: on 2024-08-08
Added: on 2024-08-02
Added: on 2024-08-01
Added: on 2024-07-25
Added: on 2024-07-24
Added: on 2024-07-24