Prosta strona internetowa (plik html) do mojej pracy inżynierskiej - obliczenia ale bez wykresów

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Recent jobs from category Web development

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    optix 6 deals
    I am looking for a person who knows WordPress will take care of translating the site, in addition, install plugins or add code and optimize the speed of the site.
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    KK DC Invest 8 deals
    web service for a renovation company
    Proposed by freelancer
    To make a simple website for a renovation and finishing company.
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    Good day, I would like the website contain the following elements: 1. a few basic tabs, such as “About Us”, “Services”, “Gallery”, “Contact”, with the ability to easy to edit and modify in the future. 2. a blog tab, where you will be able to publish articles about news in hairdressing, tips for customers, etc. 3. a contact form with the option to select the subject of inquiry, such as “Appointment.” “Service inquiry,” ”Cooperation.” It is important that the website has a modern design and is fully responsive, in accordance with the SEO guidelines (without site positioning). I would like it to be easy to use and intuitive for users. I would prefer the site to be CMS-based, which will make it easier for me to manage content and updates in the future future. Please also let me know if there are any costs for future updates and expansion of the site. In your offer, please include a portfolio of your work and examples of similar projects that could convince me to cooperate. Thank you in advance for presenting your offer and greetings.
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    Gatta 17 deals
    Creation of Gatta's corporate website
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are looking for a person to create a Gatta company website on Wordpress. Please provide a quote with completion time, suggestions, various solutions/proposals. The site would include: Home page -> video + tiles that go to sub-pages (5 sub-pages) with description. In addition, on the home page: a. About us - 5 sub-pages (e.g. strategy, company authorities) with descriptions, photos b. Brands - 2 sub-pages with descriptions, photos, possibly a link to the store c. Careers (sub-page with current job offers) d. Contacts (possibly also a contact form) + Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Tax Strategy
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    FoodUp Consulting
    My friend and I want to develop our own company (Consulting, Training, Legal Analysis, Binzes Analysis) in a rather narrow industry - Dietary Supplements and Design in Pharmacy. We are looking for someone to help us maintain and develop the website. We provide content input, ideas and other necessary. We are looking for someone who likes to experiment, try and see what works best. We are willing to invest. So far the site is performing OK in basic tests, clearly it needs development and regular updates. We want to develop it towards usability with AI. We have experience, but lack of time.
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    Physiotherapy practice website
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need a website for a physiotherapy practice. Several basic tabs with the possibility of later editing and modification. A blog tab. A contact form with the option to select the subject of inquiry. Modern design, mobility in accordance with the guidelines under SEO. CMS is welcome. Please also specify possible costs for later updates. In the offer, please also send a portfolio.
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    Predence 60 deals
    Landing page
    Proposed by freelancer
    We expect an effective landing page, complete development - idea, texts, form. The call to action is to fill in 2 halves (name, phone number). Possible permanent cooperation on further orders of the client. Super if the contractor can use AI and/or has marketing experience with landing page development. Builders and creators allowed, any, even WYSYWIG.
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    Get Noticed Agency
    LP coding, permanent cooperation
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a person from Poznan who would be able to do the implementation from our office in the center. This is a prerequisite. The order is to code the LP website in HTML, CSS (without Bootstrap) and JS. The project will be delivered in PSD, XD or Figma. We care about timeliness and accuracy. Implementation will be done by Atom, on site in the office and will assume any corrections resulting from the functioning of the system and corrections resulting from the order (minor changes after implementation, which can already take place remotely ). When coding, please remember not to overwrite existing classes and use those that are already there. Possibility of permanent cooperation. Cooperation on a white label basis.
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    Website - a business card of the company
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a freelancer to create a website - a business card based on the submitted materials. Simple concept - visualization of the company, description of the business, contacts (including a working contact form). Technology industry / CNC / machining. I am interested in cooperation with a concrete, timely person - a few more pages already lined up.
  • no avatar
    I need a website for a small Minecraft game server project. On the website I need an online store connected to the cashbill operator. recent user purchases, connection to the database of banned users(subsite) Links to socials, wiki/information subsite, game server map, top players - taken from the database from the server. Voucher option in the store.
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Job category:
Website development
Expected budget:

400.00 PLN

Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

[Pełny opis zamieszczam w pliku Prototyp.xlsx bo tu za mało znaków mi dali]


Pragnę by zrobiono mi stronę internetową w HTML lub w PHP do mojej pracy inżynierskiej.

Technologia tworzenia strony i obliczania nie jest tutaj zbyt ważna (byle nie Wordpress), tylko by utworzony plik .html był dobrze wyświetlany na różnych komputerach.

Zawartość będzie obliczała wyniki liczbowe z wprowadzonych zmiennych. Brak wykresów itp.

Ale mam jedno rozwiązanie, które może wymagać czegoś w stylu html Coords lub AreaShape by kliknąć na obrazku "mapce" taki "rejon" i by pobrało jedną wartość liczbową do niego dopasowaną (zrobiłem do tego tabelkę obok) dla tego rejonu.

Same obliczenia to raczej mnożenie, dzielenie i proste potęgowanie, jednak proszę spodziewać się tu wielu zmiennych (samych pól do wprowadzenia liczb nie ma więcej niż 20, a czasami będą to rozwijalne listy), ale sama tabela pomocnicza do obliczeń zawierała już 27 pozycji.

Niektóre pozycje będą dostępne dopiero po wpisaniu wartości lub wybraniu opcji z rozwijalnej listy, a reszta będzie wcześniej wyszarzona/zaciemniona, by ktoś nie wpisał wartości w złej kolejności.

W pliku zamieściłem też treści wiadomości błędu (do każdego przypadku) gdyby użytkownik wpisał bzdury w pole tekstowe. Są też sufity i podłogi do podawanych wartości.

Pod polem do wpisania wartości lub listy często znajdować się będzie klawisz DOMYŚLNA, który po kliknięciu wstawi sugerowaną wartość liczbową/opcję_z_listy.

Posiadam działający prototyp w pliku xlsx ze wszystkimi opisami, alertami błędu, pytaniami i wzorami. Ale całkowicie bez stylu.

Chciałbym by zrobiono mi to w prosty ale ładny sposób. Jeśli dodacie jakąś tematyczną tapetę lub zdjęcie to nawet lepiej. Byle wszystko pasowało.

Starałem się maksymalnie ułatwić wam pracę, ale do takiego projektu nie potrzeba wykresu blokowego.

Wszystko powinno być w pliku Prototyp.xlsx.

Myślę, że będzie to dla Was projekt na jedno popołudnie.

Required features

Wersja na PC by wyglądała podobnie (nie rozjeżdżała się za bardzo) na różnych komputerach.

Preferable solution

Wolałbym by to było zrobione w HTML, HTML5 lub PHP, tak by była możliwość drobnej edycji bez instalowania całego środowiska SDK do tego. BEZ programu WordPress.