Programmer - junior - PHP, HTML, CSS, JS

Closed job
Jakub Michalik -
Jakub Michalik -
10 deals

Job description

I am looking for a programmer to work with, preferably a computer science student with general IT knowledge and, among other things, a basic knowledge of:


- CSS,

- JS (jQuery and AJAX),


Experience with creating Wordpress themes/plugins "from behind the scenes" is welcome. - i.e. just using WP and PHP functions.

Familiarity and association with what phpmyadmin is used for, how web applications and websites work (DNS, domains, server, FTP, SSH, basic Unix commands) is welcome.

Hourly billing - junior level - PLN 30 net/hour.

Please include in your offer information about the projects already completed and the technologies used in them. Alternatively, information on your experience with other technologies.

Information from Useme: submitting an offer is possible only if:

- possession of a valid student ID card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age)

- confirmed statement of full-time employment for at least the minimum wage

- having a business activity

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Required functions:

Pricing for 1 hour of work.