Poprawki w sklepie WooCommerce

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Recent jobs from category Web development

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    www.edibazzar.pl 6 deals
    We are looking for a specialist in Idosell - Store Implementation , we are in the process of moving the store from Shoper platform to Idosell, Product import is in progress, but we need a person who will take care of all settings -template -payments -shipping costs -and many other technical things so that the store can be fully configured and integrated into IdoSell. Also we need a person to run this store in case of some malfunctions to respond to failures and problems. Requirements: Indication of examples that one has knowledge of Idosell, preferably links to stores on which similar work has been done Hourly billing + what hourly rate Quick execution of the order Availability and quick contact by phone and e-mail We are interested in arranging such a template as on this store or similar : https://botoshop.cz/
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    Hello, I will actually commission the completion of a Woocommerce store. We have the template uploaded and its demo, products, terms and conditions, etc. The store needs to be arranged according to the demo, homepage, header and footer, possibly translations and a slight modification of the order page. The order is quite urgent.
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    multirout 1 deal
    I will order the implementation of the search menu for parts for specific models of motorcycles on the website of a store based on the idosell platform
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    Pay 360 payment plugin for Shoper
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need a Capita Pay 360 payment plugin for Shoper ecommerce webiste. The docs for the payment provider can be found at https://docs.pay360.com/ And Developer for Shoper under : https://developers.shoper.pl/developers Please provide price and lead time for the project. We can send access to Trail Environment immediately.
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    I'm asking for PLN/1 hour offers to make a store on PrestaShop based on graphic design from figma. Please provide a portfolio and references. I will contact the selected people to send a specific design and technical specifications and discuss the details for the quote.
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    Evermore Sp. z o.o. 2 deals
    Building an e-shop
    Proposed by freelancer
    Good day, I will commission the construction of an automotive e-store. Presta environment - baselinker. Experience in automotive indicated. Send a portfolio. On its basis I will contact the selected contractors. Thank you in advance for all submissions.
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    Niebieski Ogień
    Hello, I am looking for a specialist to set up an online store. I will provide more information when you contact me. You are welcome to contact me.
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    I am looking for prestashop and wordpress/woocommerce programmer for permanent cooperation,because I have many orders and need to commission projects. I offer a longer cooperation. I prefer non-invoice settlement. All interested parties are welcome to contact me and in reply please post your realizations.
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    A marketing agency is looking for a talented Wordpress Freelancer! We are looking for a talented freelancer to whom we will provide several assignments each month. We are looking for a specialist in designing simple but effective websites and stores using WordPress and WooCommerce plugin. What we offer: Permanent Assignments: We guarantee several website and store designs each month, which ensures stability and predictability of work. Long-term Cooperation: We are interested in establishing a long-term cooperation, which means regular assignments. We expect from you: Portfolio: Send us your past work so we can see what you have already created. Rates: Information about your rates for making a website and online store will help us better plan our cooperation. Readiness for Long-Term Cooperation: We are looking for a freelancer interested in permanent assignments and building long-term relationships.
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    Google consent mode v2 for prestashop 8.1
    Proposed by freelancer
    Google consent mode v2 for prestashop, the basis for settlement of the order will be verification and approval of changes by a Google employee.
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Job category:
E-commerce development
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Job description

Szukam dyspozycyjnej osoby do poprawek i sprawdzenia szybkości sklepu na WooCommerce (+XStore via Elementor) na VPS.

Główne zadanie to sprawdzenie jak strona zachowa się podczas dużego ruchu, którego spodziewam się za parę dni. Kilka dni temu CPU serwera nie dał rady, później strona była optymalizowana i chciałbym sprawdzić, czy VPS wystarczy, czy konieczne będą przenosiny na coś szybszego (jeśli tak, to chciałbym to też zrobić asap)

Z drobniejszych rzeczy do zrobienia jest:

1. wtyczka PayPal - usunięcie przycisków PayPal z widoku kosza i checkoutu (niech zostanie samo pole wyboru między Przelewy24 i PayPalem)

2. tłumaczenia i usunięcie kilku tekstów w Koszu i Checkoucie

3. wymuszenie 9-cyfrowego numeru telefonu (tylko dla wysyłek krajowych)

Więcej szczegółów mogę podesłać na maila i wtedy poproszę o wycenę.

Template / individual design:

wszystko jest już zainstalowane

Required functions:

wszystko jest już zainstalowane