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Recent jobs from category Admin support

  • no avatar
    stanislaw_swiatkiewicz 6 deals
    Hey I am looking for a person who knows how to do research on the internet and condense it in a smart way. I provide online training in UIUX design. Very much of the knowledge is already somewhere on the internet in the form of a course, book, blog, youtube video etc. Our goal is to collect the most interesting knowledge and translate it into materials based on which I will prepare training videos. The most important skill here is the ability to search for information and organize it in a meaningful and interesting way. Initially the process would be heavily collaborative, with time I would like to give up more control in this field. This assignment is for a "test" task. After a positive result, we can talk about a longer collaboration.
  • no avatar
    grs-office 33 deals
    Purchasing Specialist
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are a construction company and are looking for a Purchasing Specialist to work remotely. Daily availability in the mornings, minimum 2 hours per day is required. Taking care of purchasing (both products and services) - searching for offers and suppliers, - negotiating terms and conditions, - making purchases/orders, - completing data in the systems, - monitoring the status of deliveries, - filing of documents. We tentatively estimate the amount of work to be 40 hours per month. Please include in your offer your time availability during the week and your rate for 40 hours of work. Qualifications welcome: - experience in a similar position. Information from Useme: it is only possible to submit an offer in at least one of the following cases: - possession of a valid student card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age); - a certified statement that you are employed full-time for at least the minimum wage; - you are self-employed.
Praca Zdalna
Praca Zdalna
52 deals
Job category:
Virtual assistant
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Valid until:

Job description

Poszukujemy osoby do pomocy w wykonaniu zadań biurowych:

1. Przygotowanie faktur do księgowości w celu rozliczenia VAT

2. Pomoc w poprawie różnych elementów konta Amazon (np. przypisanie marek, dodanie niektórych informacji)

3. Dodanie aukcji za pomocą formularza

4. Wykonanie telefonów w celu umówienia spotkań, logistyki (w jezyku angielskim)

5. Zamówienie towarów i potrzebnych artykułów do firmy

6. Poprawienie cen towarów

7. Opłacenie faktur oraz ich uporządkowanie

8. Oraz wiele innych prostych zadań

9. Poszukiwanie nowych dostawcow z chin


biegła znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie (praca dla brytyjskiej firmy) minimum C1

umiejętność pracy zdalnej i samoorganizacji

Zapewniamy pełne szkolenie.

Praca na zdalnym serwerze z powodu danych wrażliwych

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