Overlay for PrestaShop Affiliate Program module

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Online shops
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Job description

I am looking for a person who would write an overlay for the PShowReferrers module (https://prestashow.pl/pl/moduly-prestashop/40-program-partnerski-polecenia-prowizje-rozliczenia.html?search_query=partnerski&results=3) that would add an option to exchange funds accumulated in PP for cash. That is, in addition to exchanging for a voucher, one would send a withdrawal request. Admin would accept or reject it. Of course, payments would be made manually.

Template / individual design:

is not there, in the design of PA presta and module.

Required functions:

An overlay for the https://prestashow.pl/pl/moduly-prestashop/40-program-partnerski-polecenia-prowizje-rozliczenia.html?search_query=partnerski&results=3 module presumably working on tables from that module in mysql.

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