Optimize inmode.pl website (CMS Wordpress) for increased conversions and organic SEO and a smooth UX.

Closed job
Franciszka Szot
Franciszka Szot
2 deals
Valid until:

Job description

Of the elements selected for improvement:

- optimize CTAs on the homepage

- add contact forms on the main page and subpages

- change sub-linking for over a dozen subpages

- change the offer segregation and add missing product subpages

- changing graphics on subpages banners - linking videos from company's YT

- creating a configurator for several products and the ability to generate it for the user and get an offer after sending an email

Additional suggestions for optimizing the content of the site welcome.

Required features

final product configurator

Preferable solution

All graphics are available or will be prepared internally for the webdeveloper after indicating technical requirements/dimensions