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Recent jobs from category Design

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    Brand book for architectural application
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are a brand that connects architects with investors. An investor in this context is a person who wants to furnish a house, premises, garden, etc. -the ability to create an architect's profile, where they can post their portfolio, list of services, opinion and information about the company -the ability to create an investor's account, where they can add architects to their favorites and track project progress -chat between the architect and the investor -notes -creating a shopping list -creating schedules and surveys -the ability to share files What we are interested in for this announcement is to systematize the graphic system we currently have and turn them into a brand book, in which we would need the following -specification of the logo (the logo already exists, but we are open to any suggestions and modifications) -definition of the brand colors -fonts -prepare some templates for posts on Instagram
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    To design in Figma graphic designs of the site in the phone view first, and then the computer view for: - homepage - about us - list of doctors - doctor details - list of treatments The price should include making comments/suggestions after reviewing the presented design. Two sets of comments for the home page and one set of comments for each of the other graphic views. The site will be developed in Polish. The site will be coded later on Wordpress using the standard Gutenberg editor. So experience and knowledge of the capabilities of this editor are welcome. Attached to the order is a detailed description of what should be included in each view, color suggestion, sample page that the client likes, and other necessary guidelines for effective implementation of the order. And also the schedule of work. Feel free to cooperate and contact us with any questions.
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    Website design in Figma
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a person willing to create ui/ux designs for websites and online shops. Mainly Creating views on pc, sometimes on mobile.
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    BAZA Skolimów
    UX/UI Designer - for long-term cooperation
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are looking for a UX/UI Designer for a long-term project collaboration. We expect the following in your offer: * confirmation that you meet the professional requirements (below). * your portfolio, information about your educational background * your net hourly rate, the form of cooperation Requirements 1. you have a minimum of 3 years of commercial experience in the area of computer graphics, design and programming of websites and portals / web services in desktop and mobile versions, including interfaces. 2. you have a minimum of 3 years commercial experience in the design of websites and portals / web services in desktop and mobile versions in accordance with WCAG 2.0. or higher (e.g. 2.1) guidelines and RWD technique. 3. you have the ability to: * analyse the target group of the designed portal / website / mobile application in terms of aesthetics * create graphic mock-ups and modelling, as well as User Stories and more
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    Jessika Krawczyk
    UX/UI design
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a person to design a website in the education industry. It is several pages and in them information such as: -what are the courses -what are the functionalities -what is the price list And I am open to various suggestions as to what can be added there :)
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    Information and sales website for school + CI (including advertising flyer with texts and copywriting), offer folder, banner ads for google ads, FB, instagram. Quick action and creative skills required.
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    The website design is dedicated to a business consultant specializing in strategic consulting. The site is primarily intended to be a business card from which potential clients can easily contact via email to inquire about details of services. The logo and color palette are already defined, although I am open to minor modifications in these areas. Please pay special attention to UI design and UX functionality, ensuring smooth operation on both desktop and mobile devices. Please send me links to portfolios containing examples of previously designed sites, which will allow me to assess your experience and skills in this area.
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    EMS MASTER 1 deal
    New interface to existing application
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am requesting a quote to make graphics for a programmer on how the new interface to an existing application should look like. Checking the clickability and ease of use. IMPORTANT: a person from Gdansk, so that there is an opportunity to meet and show the current application.
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    Ux design for web and mobile applications
    Proposed by freelancer
    Produce a quality control application based on technical specifications and user story mockup.
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    Krzysztof B.
    Designing the layout of the website
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi! We are a marketing agency and we are looking for a person to design and basically refresh the layout of the website for an event we are organizing. It is a career conference, aimed at young people. We're keen to make the site more relevant to the target audience (Gen Z) and ready to add new content that doesn't fit the current layout. To be done is the home page and one sub-page (containing several elements like on the home page). Desktop and mobile views. We care that the project is prepared in Figma. And also we care about time. :) We will provide a text file with the new content layout, graphics can be pulled from the site. Ultimately, we would like to establish permanent cooperation in creating not only layouts, but also advertising graphics for social media and other graphic materials. If you can set up such a page later on Webflow, that's great! Please add such an option to the quote. And if not, that's okay, we can handle the project in Figma. :) We would appreciate a quote and +/- time needed for implementation.
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UX/UI design
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Job description

Looking for a person to create a visual concept for a modern website that will serve as a business card for the company in the online world. The site is to attract customers through aesthetics, clarity and functionality. The site rather onepage type

A company engaged in the sale and installation of fences.