Multiple product codes - Woocommerce

Closed job
Jacek Kupiec
Jacek Kupiec
Job category:
Online shops
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

Good day, I need to add functionality in my Woocommerce store that will protect me from duplicate products.

I have products that can overlap at suppliers.

I would like to be able to add more than one product code from a supplier to a product, so that when importing WpAllImport will check if any of the codes overlap with the SKU at the supplier, and then based on that it will update the product according to the lowest available price.

An abbreviated workflow

1 Download the XML/CSV at the supplier using WpAllImport

2. check if any of the codes assigned to the product overlap with the one in the supplier's file

3. if there is one overlap then select price and stock, and if more then select the lowest price and stock from that cheapest offer.

Template / individual design:


Required functions:

-collaboration with WpAllImport plugin -assigning several codes to one product -selecting the lowest price from a supplier based on assigned codes

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