Mobile application - photos

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    TrioNet 4 deals
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Mobile apps
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Job description

Hello. I will commission to write a mobile application for personal use.

The application is to run on Android and have:

1. a configuration window in which there will be fields to enter:

- data for FTP connection

- a numerical value - the width of the photo

2. the main window - the principle of operation: after launching the application, you can select photos previously taken on a smartphone. After selecting them, all photos will be displayed one below the other in the application, each photo will have a checkbox assigned to it. On each photo you will be able to select any parts of it. At the bottom under the photos the button “Send” causing (applies to photos with a checkbox selected):

- applying censorship (mosaic or similar) to the marked fragments on the photos

- reducing the width of the photos to the dimension specified in the configuration

- uploading photos to the server via FTP connection

Under the “Send” button, a progress bar for sending photos. After sending, a message confirming the sending, possibly an error message. Clicking “Send” again will overwrite the photos on the server.

Required functions:


Operating system:


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