Marketing szeptany aplikacji mobilnej

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Job category:
Buzz marketing
Expected budget:


30 days left

Job description

Poszukujemy osoby do działań w zakresie marketingu szeptanego. Zadania obejmują subtelne budowanie wizerunku marki poprzez uczestnictwo w dyskusjach online i tworzenie treści. Po zakończeniu współpracy prosimy o raport z miejsc, w których były prowadzone działania.

Recent jobs from category Marketing

  • no avatar
    Umbrella Legal Office
    I am looking for a specialist who will get into the product of assisting and executing in planning and developing a strategy to develop a personal brand, which has a track record of media, TV, radio, lots of ready-made articles to publish, plus ready-made audio material to use,+ video ready-made own material also to use, I also have an unused photo shoot. I am looking for a marketer with my own background, or subcontracting to build a clear and credible industry image. Profile of activity - lawyer / economist / counseling asset protection / anti-collection help for debtors Participation in media: forbes, TV shows, radio, banking articles in magazines. We are ready to establish permanent cooperation based on permanent assignments in marketing, and building new multimedia materials for further cooperation.