Landing page of the contest - Wordpress

Closed job
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23 deals
Job category:
Web pages
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Valid until:

Job description

I have a landing page to quote and then (after the client's accepte) to implement.

LP is to be implemented on Wordpress

Based on the project that will be prepared in figma / destkop project + mobile)

Description of the sections on the landing page

- section slider / graphics, text, cta

- section description of the competition (text, photo, video)

- section presentation of people 3-4 people / photo, description

- section downloads

- section organizers / logos

- FAQ section

- form / about 6 fields, ability to add files, clauses) captcha / TYPE after submission

- popup to accept cookies (plug-in)

Data from the form are sent to the indicated e-mail address and saved in the database with the possibility of export to an xls file

Attention to detail, flexibility and good contact is important to me :).

The site must be polished - properly presented in all browsers and ekrnaach.

Deadline is early/mid December.

The site must work after testing on January 1, 2023

Required features

RWD, form, saving form data,

Preferable solution
