Landing page + CRM [Call center + generating bills and waybills]

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Job description


I am looking for the best solution for the project listed below.

The project consists of a landing page website where traffic will be redirected in order to familiarize yourself with the product and fill out a short form which must first include: Name and telephone number and a button, e.g. "send"

Texts and graphics are less important elements, the most important thing in this puzzle is what will happen after the "send" action.

The data that will be transferred must go to the system that will group and manage them. It is needed because an external CALL CENTER system must be connected to the base in order to serve the customer [The system calls randomly from the form and the customer cannot wait more than 15 minutes for a connection], after accepting the order AUTOMATION OF INVOICES and BILLS for delivery of goods products. An exemplary initial outline of the activities is provided in the appendix.

As of today, I do not consider a dedicated system, but I am open.

I am looking for a ready-made solution, being aware of the limitations, but which will allow for the greatest possible development. Only when the whole project develops successively and I notice the shortcomings and the proverbial "reaching the ceiling" will I start working on my own software. The solution must be universal enough to later be able to transfer the customer base, transactions, and information to a private server and continue to work on your own system.

People with experience working on similar solutions are welcome, but also people who are open and creative.

Required functions:

Collecting basic information - name and phone number. Data processing for the call center system, generating invoices and consignment notes.

Template / individual design:

Graphics and texts are irrelevant. The most important thing is the data collection solution. I talked to people from the industry and they recommend Wordpress but I am not sure if and at what costs it will be possible to combine everything.

Attached files