IT trainer - in the area of web application screenshotting - REMOTE

Closed job
Fundacja Kierunkowskaz
Fundacja Kierunkowskaz
101 deals
Job category:
Other IT services
Expected budget:


Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

✅ contract form: order / B2B / useme

Contract time: 1 month

✅ remuneration: to be agreed

✅number of positions: 5 (!)

Form of work: REMOTE

✅ working time: preferred hours 8.00-16.00

✅ Technical skills:

- Excellent knowledge of the WIN and Office environment (excel)

- Proficiency in taking screenshots, especially when using the Greenshot tool

- Ease of navigating in the environment of web applications

- reading and executing instructions from technical documentation in English

✅Required hardware:

- PC + 2 monitors + permanent Internet access

- Excel, Greenshot, Chrome browser

Required functions:

Excel, Greenshot, Win, Api web

Place or location:


Attached files