iPad - lock (Volt)

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Recent jobs from category Coding and IT

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    The part is already established, the configurations of the above functions need to be completed. Please let me know the completion time and price for the whole thing.
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    Logic Gate
    We need an "escaping fish" type of application, we use a projector to project fluorescent jellyfish swimming in the depths (on a black background) on the wall and a Kinect sensor to detect when the user "shadows" them, the jellyfish then escape. Description of user interaction with the exhibit: The user entering the range of the image projected by the projector can affect the jellyfish displayed on the wall, they will "escape" from the shadow cast by the user. IMPORTANT Place the projector under the ceiling, at a height of about 2.5 m at a distance of about 2.3 m from the wall on which you want to display jellyfish. Please see the attached file showing the exact distances. We would like to use a device other than the Kinect that would still be supported and produced. We also need information on what kind of computer we need to connect here to pull this off. Does the projector need to meet any special requirements to not interfere with the sensor?
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    Andrzej Sułkowski 1 deal
    Email footer
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi, I'm looking for someone who can still write me an email footer according to the picture below this week.
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    Agape 4 deals
    Hello, This inquiry is a price discernment how much it would cost to develop a custom CHATBOT AI for internal company use. I am not concerned with personalization on OpenAI. I would like to outline in a private message the scope of the order. Here I would like to gather a list of potential contractors. Sociological research industry.
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    Hi :) We are a company that implements integrated systems to companies. We mainly implement monday.com tool + nocode/lowcode integrations via zapier/make.com and API integrations. We are looking for someone to join the team to support us in implementing automation and integrations mainly on monday.com for our clients. If you have ever implemented a CRM, are familiar with the make.com/zapier environment and can in API, I invite you to meet online to talk about the details :) We offer initial implementation in monday.com ecosystem and our internal project management tools. As a Monday.com partner for its people, we have the opportunity to provide 3 certification programs for free that will stay with you.
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    SoBirds Agency
    Thumbnail for email
    Proposed by freelancer
    I will ask for prices and examples - to create an interactive thumbnail for an email with links.
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    Hermer 33 deals
    I'm looking for a Prestashop specialist
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a Prestashop specialist who has spare capacity, but deal with the modernization of the online store.
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    enterprice architekt
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for help in Enterprice Architect : Diagrams: entities, classes/interfaces, activities. Implementation - use at least two-three design patterns.I have it all prepared but I don't know how to create ERD diagrams in this program
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    MTM ITA Kraków
    Proposed by freelancer
    The LAST MINUTE HOTEL project is a project being prepared to apply for a grant from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development for the hospitality industry - "Investments in diversification of HoReCa sector activities - an offer for entrepreneurs". More information: https://www.parp.gov.pl/component/grants/grants/inwestycje-w-dywersyfikacje-dzialalnosci-sektora-horeca-oferta-dla-przedsiebiorcow The project involves the creation of a web application with the working name LAST MINUTE HOTEL (the target name will be changed), along with an administration panel, backend and infrastructure (Google Cloud preferred). The contractor will be expected to lead the project in its entirety (end-to-end), in cooperation with the client, from the conceptual phase to the handover of a functional application. The application is to enable customers in Poland's largest cities to book hotels and last-minute accommodations via a mobile application. It is also to allow hotels to display their unsold offer (accommodation base) on a given day or the following day to users of the application. A detailed technical specification for the project is attached to the announcement.
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    Hello,I am looking for coders/programmers under wordpress and prestashop for permanent cooperation. I have many orders. Orders ready.
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IT projects
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Looking for someone to make us use Safari or download one app in a locked iPad from Volt (in a restaurant).

Required functions:

Apps, Safari not working

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