Interactive report in Excel

Closed job

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    Jakub 2 deals
    Gather a list of email addresses and website addresses of as many UV printers and companies with UV plotters or print-on-demand companies in countries such as: -Germany -Italy -Netherlands -England -Spain -Czech Republic -Norway -Sweden Have a great day today :))
Patryk Garbazik
Patryk Garbazik
Job category:
Expected budget:

500.00 PLN


Job description

I need an excel magician! :)

The file has 7 columns per 30 cells.

I am anxious to be able to illustrate/present to the client the changes in the numbers over the years via the Dashboard in Excel.

For someone who has been doing this -> this assignment may be trivial :)

For an additional fee, we can catch up with the graphics layer, but this is secondary.

I attach a screenshot of the work of "Michal Kowalczyk - Excellent Work", who publishes Excel tutorial videos on YT.

The job in figures:

7 columns per 30 cells, pivot tables

Submitted offers 23

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