Job description
I will commission a website for my portfolio.
Link to mockup:
Homepage + 8 subpages + cookie view based on the home page. Mobile version does not differ much from desktop views.
Layout is mostly based on rectangles. Content and images necessarily need to show this way -
Since the site has a very simple background it will be necessary to write such a cursor effect or similar as here -
Operation of the home page going from the top.
- The caption "down to the bottom" spins around the arrow
- the inscription "my name is michael" animates from right to left looped in a circle
- The caption at the bottom in the contact section: the caption "let's create" jumps in from the left, a second later the caption "awesome work" jumps in from the right and a second later the caption "together" jumps in from the left. The arrow next to the caption "together" appears from 0% to 100% transparency.
I would like to upload project animations later. It is possible that there will be another subpage at a later time.