Handling minor modifications and adding materials in Webflow

Closed job

Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    We have 240 products in Baselinker for listing on Amazon PL. - filling in the parameters - selection of categories - selection of product type Please indicate the price for the whole
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    Daniel Piskurewicz
    I am looking for a person to add products to the store, adding photos, description, colors, sizes and stocks. Billing on the number of products, completion time as soon as possible. 50 products, dress industry.
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    I am looking for an experienced person to prepare the product file for import. The number of products we have is 90. 82 of these products have 60-119 size variations. The remaining products are add-ons to choose from. Descriptions need to be developed for the import file and each variant.
Granator Film
Granator Film
24 deals
Job category:
Data entry
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Job description


we need support from someone who knows how to use Weblfow.

We need frequent minor revisions/additions to content we have written down/etc.

We would like to bill hourly (please write what rate is ok for you) for tasks that we would drop off once in a while to do over a few days.

The first thing to do would be to insert the content (which we have written down in docs) into the already finished template of the site.

Information from Useme: bidding is only possible if:

- possession of a valid student ID card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age)

- a confirmed statement of full-time employment for at least the minimum wage

- having a business activity

Place or location:

The job in figures:

The first thing to do will be to insert the content (which we have written down in docs) into the already finished page template.

Submitted offers 6

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