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Graphic design of the website for the tourist facility

Closed job
75 deals
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

The contractor would be responsible for the graphic design of the website for the tourist facility. (graphic design only)

There are four side designs to be prepared:

- home page (object presentation, contact)

- list of objects,

- list of apartments,

- apartment presentation,

Photos and graphics will be provided for the execution of the order.

The projects are to be prepared in two versions: mobile and desktop.

The preparation and sharing of the project with the use of Adobe XD will be appreciated.

In the case of positive effects of cooperation, I am looking for a person for permanent cooperation also on other projects.

I am asking for offers only with a link to the portfolio.

Required features

design of the mobile version, design of the desktop version

Preferable solution

I have the required graphics and photos