German .de domain and hosting (German provider) + creation of a ready-made website in German

Closed job
9 deals
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

As part of the order, I need the following work to be done:

-Purchase from a German hosting provider and .de domain name

-Creation of a simple website (home page + bookmarks/subpages

-Creation of an email box in the same domain

-Searching and using free graphics for the site

-Implementation of ready-made text content (I have translated content)

-Implementing a ready-made logo that I have

It would be great if the website is similar to:

I want the site to be prepared to the point that it works and that when the address is typed into a search engine, it is accessible.

Preferable solution

Graphics we need to find in free sources. Regarding the solution in which the site is to be made I am open to suggestions.

Required features

- Purchase of the domain and hosting on the contractor's side with a German provider. - Please describe how the site will be transferred.