GA and GTM specialist to implement Consent Mode

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    Alicja 109 deals
    GA4 / Consent Mode
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are currently encountering difficulties with data counting in GA4. Therefore, we are looking for a specialist to review the implementation of GA4 on the website, verify the correctness of conversion tracking, and check whether the consent mode has been implemented correctly.
Kamil Białobrzeski WP-Dude.COM
Kamil Białobrzeski WP-Dude.COM
Job category:
Online analytics
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Valid until:

Job description


I am looking for a specialist to help implement and configure Consent Mode for one of my clients. The ideal candidate should have experience in Google Analytics (GA) and Google Tag Manager (GTM).

The preferred solution is a configuration based on plugin, since CookieBot is currently the most expensive option I would prefer to avoid this type of solution. If you have other proven suggestions, I am open to suggestions.

Task scope:

Implementation of Consent Mode

Configuration according to customer requirements

Testing and verification of correct operation

Please contact me with a quote for the service and a completion date.