Excel - working on a worksheet, formulas, data, etc. (sports statistics)

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Job description

I am looking for a person to prepare an Excel file for me to edit in the future. It is about football statistics/data, which I will complete manually.

In short, the idea is to prepare a file which, after entering the data into excel, will show the averages of various data/statistics in a clear way. Mainly addition, subtraction, division and multiplication formulas. Probably a lot of flits and maybe there are other ways? I'm generally open to suggestions, ideas and help to make this clear and functional.

After selecting "team" from the list, I will see the statistics of a particular team. Further comparing 2 teams I add e.g. Arsenal vs Liverpool and it shows the team vs opponent stats from recent matches, season etc. (I can choose from how many recent matches to show)

The job in figures:

Excel data/formulas/statistics

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