Excel - Gantt chart - Designing the work of a production plant

Closed job
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Meddtech LTD
27 deals
Job category:
Office works
Expected budget:

500.00 PLN

Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description


I am looking for an Excel specialist

I am a project manager in a manufacturing plant and I need a tool in EXCEL to design a production plan based on Gantt charts. Guidelines:

- charts must be hourly

- possibility to add human resources as well as machine [ productivity/cost per day ].

- indicating dependencies between activities - start to finish etc.

- prioritization

- project cost generator

- simple production orders generator - generated to pdf and later printing on the plant

- generator to pdf of weekly work schedule by day - person / position / daily estimated productivity

- generation of statistics and capacity consumption, efficiency of the plant

I found pare templates paid and free, which contain similar solutions to the above, however, as is often the case in life, ready-made solutions do not fit perfectly. Solutions can be drawn from them.

It would be ideal to embed it in Google sheets / Office 365 in the cloud, however, I do not know if all the functionality can be achieved. This is not a prerequisite.

Place or location:

Home office

The job in figures:

The order is to build an excel for production management. The basic version is intended to manage with Gantt charts the stages of work, what needs to happen when based on the performance of individual items and resources. Further expansion includes functionality that will generate timesheets for employees, documents for individual departments, estimates or post-production reports.