Excel allegro sales

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Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    Hello, Im looking for someone who specializes on registering website URL in thematic ONLY PL-based directories. Sortiment is laptop parts. Im interested only in catalogues with certain level od domain reputation / authority.. say 25-30 and above. I do not know how this is paid for - per entry ? Anyways Im not willing to pay some obscure prices such as 1000 PLN.
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    I am looking for a person who will make me formulas from Excel data (VBA or other simple possibilities come into play). The Excel data is already prepared. In the future I will want to supplement the file with new data. In short, from the data that is already in Excel I want to flirt data according to my needs. E.g. averages/totals number of goals/cards/penalties of a team in a season, a year or in the last 5,10 games, etc., further after selecting "team" from the list I will see the statistics of a particular team. Then comparing 2 teams I add for example Arsenal vs Liverpool and it shows stats: team vs opponent from last matches, season etc. (I can choose from how many recent matches it should show). In general, I am open to suggestions, ideas and help to make this clear and functional. I will try to give more details, information or questions on priv. I am looking for a person for whom doing such things will not be a problem and maybe will offer his vision of how it can be done practically etc., because I unfortunately do not know the functionalists of Excel so as to use it 100%. Interested persons please contact me. Remuneration to be determined. In general I am open to suggestions, ideas and help to make it clear and functional.
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    Modification of files in csv format, taking into account historical data of one of the cryptocurrency exchanges. Creating a tool for counting results based on the uploaded files, taking into account several variables.
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    Praca Zdalna 53 deals
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are looking for a person to create a database of new customers (100 records) (English required) Remote work in any number of hours and any days. After successful completion of work, the candidate may count on further assignments
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3 deals
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Expected budget:

50.00 PLN

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Job description

Hello, I am looking for a person who will create a simple table with the calculation of profit from allegro.

The table should include

Product name, purchase price, sale price, allegro commission, delivery price, allegro ads commission, shipping price, carton price, sales quantity, profit,

Fixed costs Accounting, Social Security, income tax, advertising service, Fuel,

I am open to expanding this table.
