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Entering information from a website into a form

Closed job

Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    Maciej1018 4 deals
    Dzień dobry, poszukuje osoby/wykładowcy z doświadczeniem pedagogicznym, chętnej do przygotowania prezentacji przygotowujących uczniów do matury z matematyki, biologii, języka angielskiego i polskiego. Kolejnym krokiem będzie wyjaśnienie treści prezentacji w formie zrzutu ekranu. Finalnie prezentacje zostaną umieszczona jako kurs na naszej platformie E-Learning. Zapraszamy do kontaktu wyłącznie nauczycieli!
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Marcin Trybulec
6 deals
Job category:
Data entry
Expected budget:



Job description

The order consists of data entry of 30 establishments. The establishments are children's playrooms. The data should be searched on their website and entered into the prepared form. A list of 30 websites will be provided.

The data we are interested in:

name of the establishment

address (city, street, building number)

contact (phone, email)


price list

opening hours

gallery (copying URLs of relevant photos from the website)

website address and social media address (facebook, sometimes instagram)

Data entry for one playroom takes about 5-15 minutes - depending on the complexity of the website of a particular establishment. We are committed to time. At a minimum, we expect to enter 15 establishments per day. The order is only a sample, ultimately we need to enter about 500 establishments.

The job in figures:

30 establishments

Place or location:

Online / remotely

Submitted offers 52

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