Employers' business cards

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Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    We have 240 products in Baselinker for listing on Amazon PL. - filling in the parameters - selection of categories - selection of product type Please indicate the price for the whole
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    Daniel Piskurewicz
    I am looking for a person to add products to the store, adding photos, description, colors, sizes and stocks. Billing on the number of products, completion time as soon as possible. 50 products, dress industry.
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    I am looking for an experienced person to prepare the product file for import. The number of products we have is 90. 82 of these products have 60-119 size variations. The remaining products are add-ons to choose from. Descriptions need to be developed for the import file and each variant.
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Data entry
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Job description

I will order the addition of 50 employers' business cards to https://pracawokolicy.com/wizytowki-pracodawcow/ The list of companies will be sent in an Excel file.

Based on the information available on the web, company websites, job portals where companies have their profiles will be to complete:

1.Basic contact information.

2.Addresses of possible branches of the company.

3.Description - mission, history, values, etc.

2.Logotype and photo gallery

3.Recruitment process

4.Available benefits

5. addendum

Please let me know your proposed rate for adding 50 business cards. Possible permanent cooperation for further orders of this type.

The job in figures:

50 records

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Submitted offers 31

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