Downloading data from a website, web scraping,.

Closed job
Norbert Sobala
Norbert Sobala
14 deals
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:

300.00 PLN

Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a person who can download content from a website to a file.

Each page has the information we need, there is nothing else on the page except what we are interested in. Each link looks like this example



All data must be saved in a table, |link|name|value 1|value 2| picture (we can save the picture on our server or copy only the link)

There are about 15000 such pages, but as I wrote earlier each page has a similar structure but the same headings that we are interested in.

It can be a finished file, it can be a program.

Required functions: