Database of law firms

Closed job
645 deals

Job description

The database is to contain law firms qualified in negotiating with banks and concluding settlements with financial entities.

The created database is to constitute an "initial recognition" of the law firm / lawyers on the basis of their websites, experience, or telephone conversations - the database may contain "approximate rates" for e.g. a man-hour, but we do not expect specific quotes, because it is a preliminary research in which you have and you only use residual information (case type - bank name - expectations).

The job in figures:

Baza danych 12 pozycji - z czego 2 oznaczone jako rekomendacje rekomendacje. Format Excel, tabela zawierająca szczegóły kontaktowe, adresowe, adresy stron/portfolio do kancelarii czy konkretnego prawnika/specjalisty wyspecjalizowanego w tym konkretym temacie.