Database of companies from Germany (knowledge of German required) - searching for e-mail contacts

Closed job
87 deals
Job category:
Data processing
Expected budget:

1200.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

We are looking for someone with knowledge of German (at least B2) who will help us find contact with companies from a specific industry in Germany.

We will need:

- name and surname of the person responsible for recruitment / HR

- recruitment email (either to this person or a general recruitment address, e.g.

- www address where the email was found

Importantly - the email cannot be from any tool or database but must be found on the company's website.

We provide a list of companies in an Excel sheet.

In the message with the offer, please add the word: turtle.

The budget is not negotiable.

The job in figures:

The database is to contain 800 unique records with an email address, first and last name and company name.

Submitted offers 3

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