Customer service - answering phones and making appointments

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Recent jobs from category Admin support

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    mmediahouse 39 deals
    We are looking for a person who will be responsible for obtaining specific information from verified contractors. The work consists of telephoning (from our phone accounts) according to the established script . The result is the acquisition of the status of specific cases and feedback to our office. Knowledge of German language is also welcome Remote work Settlement of the implementation of this order will be possible for those who have: - valid student or school ID card (up to 26 years of age); - employment on the basis of a contract of employment or commission (with at least minimum wage); - own business activity.
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    Klaudia Rogaczewska
    I am looking for a Russian-speaking person (native) to support a client applying for a permanent residence card in Poland or for a Pole's Card. I have created a video course, audio course and written an e-book to prepare for the exam. I need a person to cooperate with me, who will help me with marketing, promoting this and will fill in applications for such cards at the office and will be in contact with people applying for these cards. I would preferably enter into cooperation with someone from Ukraine or Belarus because of their in-depth knowledge of the clientele. I speak Polish, so it would be good for the person to speak Polish at least B1 level. Additional work. Max 10 hours per week. The course will be premiered in two weeks, so I would like to cooperate before that date. The proposed rate is 300 euros = per course sold and customer service on the application.
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    Luxwiev 19 deals
    Hello I am looking for a person with knowledge of Croatian language Customer service Information from Useme: bidding is only possible if you: - possession of a valid student card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age) - confirmed statement of full-time employment for at least the minimum wage - having a business activity
Marcin Lesiński
Marcin Lesiński
13 deals
Job category:
Customer support
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


I run a company that designs and manufactures electronic devices. Currently, the only way to contact us is by email, but we would like to add a phone number on the site where our potential customers could call and ask basic questions about our offerings or set up an appointment.

We anticipate about 5 phone calls per day, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This is not a job that will take a full 8 hours, but rather should be considered a side job that will take 30/45 minutes per day.

I would appreciate your offer to settle the job and send information about your experience. Any knowledge of electronics/engineering would be appreciated.