Creation of a tutorial on an existing Wordpress website - implementation based on prepared content layouts.

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

Based on the prepared content, you should:

1. create a blog/product pages (to be determined which solution will be better). Draft design and content distribution on my side, I just need a person to implement it.

Products/posts will consist of:

- photo

- description + advantages (bulleted text)

- video (optional - not in all).

There will be no option to buy, save, etc. - it will be a purely informational page.

2. The implemented product page/entry page will need to have the ability to translate into DE/ENG languages (are defined and WPML plugin is already installed on the site).

3. Implement the blog homepage and entry page with the ability to translate into DE/ENG (visual sketch of how this should look on my end). A single entry I would like to be able to link to the products/entries mentioned in point 1. For example as it is done here:

Required features

Enabling the addition of blog posts, translation into other languages, and duplication of posts.

Preferable solution
