Creating a website for an emerging brand

Closed job
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Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


The project is brand new, I don't have any foundation other than product concepts that are in the process of being designed/implemented. The time for implementation seems to me to be considerable. Budget is to be determined.

Please contact only people and companies that have experience. Send your portfolio and offer.

I tried to describe at this stage enough to probably be able to prepare a quote. If there is something to specify or to talk about, please send me a message. We can arrange a telephone conversation or exchange a few messages.

Preferable solution

I don't have anything. I need graphic design and coding it into a working website. Basically I don't have any requirements for platform, technology. I think you can offer me something.

Required features

On the page I want to present what the brand does. There must be a history tab, or about the company. A place where I will present the purpose, ideas, vision of the company. Along with a brief presentation of the history of why the company is created. There must be a bookmark leading to an online store - a store also to be made. I need a bookmark with a blog where I will add articles. I need a products tab where there will be a description of the digital products. This is to be invisible in the menu. There needs to be a contact tab, there doesn't have to be any form there, it can just be the company name, contact person, company details and contact email. And if there is to be a form, it must send me messages about the fact that someone sent me something to the e-mail. I would like to add information to the site myself, change content without later help. I wouldn't want me to have to log in there too often, outside of the blog content will not be added or changed.