Completing a website for a real estate broker

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Job category:
Web pages
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Job description


Due to health reasons, the programmer who was responsible for creating a website for a real estate broker fell out of my team. The site is to be bilingual - separate instances of wordpress. The site is 80% ready, but there are 26 corrections left whose preliminary description you can find in the attachment - these are things like correcting in the import API because offers are pulled with a parameter informing about blocking the import of a given offer, minor SEO fixes, finishing the search engine (values from GET should be set as default, currently empty fields), etc.

After finishing the changes on the PL version, you will need to clone the template to the EN version - we did not do WPML.

I can send detailed descriptions of the shuffle and a link to the dev to those interested.

Preferable solution


Required features

API, SEO, cookie notifications, search engine

Attached files