Commissioning an excel sheet - offers

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26 deals
Job category:
Other IT services
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Job description

The execution of the Excel offer sheet is to be based on the fact that in Sheet 1 are presented all the products that we want to offer to the customer (about 40-50 items).

At the end of Sheet 1 there must be an opportunity to enter the details of the company and an employee with an e-mail contact number.

Each of the items should have a price and the possibility to give a discount at the end of each item should be a checkbox Which, if checked, the product will be transferred to the 2nd sheet in which a graphic and text offer for the customer will be prepared.

All address data from the sheet and should also be visible and nicely presented in the offer.

Each product has a description which is to be just presented in this graphic-text offer.

The offer should be prepared in accordance with the current looks of catalogs, Current catalog:

All graphics and necessary photos at the disposal of the contractor.

Enclosed is the catalog offer which is an input to sheet 1

Detailed text to be included in the offer sheet II to be agreed with the orderer

Required functions:

Excel or a simple program to generate PDF quotes

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