Job description
I will commission a dedicated tool to support the work of my traders. The tool is supposed to help in pricing the transport orders we carry out.
Scope of functionality:
- A form with a text field that allows you to enter an address
- Map (can be Google Maps) displaying two markers (one in the location of our company, the other in the location of the address entered in the form) and 4 delivery areas
- Determining whether the entered address belongs to any of the areas, displaying information in which area the searched address is located and the cost of service delivery in that area
- Display on a map the route between the company's headquarters and the searched location, as well as information under the map about the length of the route in kilometers
You would probably need to integrate the API:
- Google Maps Javascript API
- Geocoding API
- Directions API
The project should ideally be done in React, using the MUI/NextUI library. There is no need to save address lookups, integration with database or API other than required to provide address lookup/route/area identification functionality.
Please send me bids including cost, time required and technologies in which the project could be developed.