Cloud-based Web application for document management

Closed job
5 deals
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
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Job description

I will commission a simple web application with remote access for users.

The application is to be simple and used for the current filling of tables with data for settlements

between the company and subcontractors .

The tables in the system are : Date. Subcontractor data , Amount , Bank data to : Data of the sending Bank , NOTES , Comments. ( Pattern as EXEl )

Account of the Main Manager , Account of 5 Subcontractors ( expandable ).

Division into Main List and into Subcontractors lists / Division of authority Main sees all lists and his main , Subcontractors only their part.

Editing by contractors of their lists ( they receive billing data and complete when they have done further billing for individuals.

Everything must work in the cloud without saving to disk , for this Main Admin - Subcontractor communicator. ( Shown information about changes made by Admin and subcontractor on lists )

So in a nutshell.

Required functions: