Building an e-shop

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Evermore Sp. z o.o.
2 deals
Job category:
E-commerce development
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Job description

Good day,

I will commission the construction of an automotive e-store.

Presta environment - baselinker.

Experience in automotive indicated.

Send a portfolio.

On its basis I will contact the selected contractors.

Thank you in advance for all submissions.

Template / individual design:

I want to base the project on PrestaShop The project has branding.

Required functions:

Mandatory UX functionalities for an e-commerce site: Responsiveness and mobility - The site works on any device. Intuitive navigation - Easy access to categories, filtering and search. Page loading speed - Optimization of loading time. Shopping cart and purchase process - Shopping cart visible from every page, simple checkout. Registration and shopping without login - Ability to purchase without creating an account. Easy returns and complaints - Clear return process. Detailed product pages - Good photos, descriptions, CTA buttons. Visibility of reviews and testimonials - Easy access to product ratings. Easy contact and support - Visible contact options, live chat, FAQ. Quick login and account management - Easy access to order history. Delivery options - Visible delivery methods and costs. Offer personalization - Recommendations, wish list, notifications. Secure payment methods - Choice of payment methods, security certificates. Order notifications - Automatic emails about order status. Quick purchase (One-click checkout) - One-click purchase. Content accessibility - Adaptation for people with disabilities. Pop-ups and push notifications - Effective pop-ups and notifications. 17 points of must-have UX functionality for an e-commerce site: Responsiveness and mobility - The site works on any device. Intuitive navigation - Easy access to categories, filtering and search. Page loading speed - Optimization of loading time. Shopping cart and purchase process - Shopping cart visible from every page, simple checkout. Registration and shopping without login - Ability to purchase without creating an account. Easy returns and complaints - Clear return process. Detailed product pages - Good photos, descriptions, CTA buttons. Visibility of reviews and testimonials - Easy access to product ratings. Easy contact and support - Visible contact options, live chat, FAQ. Quick login and account management - Easy access to order history. Delivery options - Visible delivery methods and costs. Offer personalization - Recommendati

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