Job description
We need an admin panel (from scratch) for managing data behind the open source web application with a Python backend and a React/JavaScript frontend. The application is a generic solution for showing custom data-points on a map (leafleat), which allows filtering. The deliverables will be described as user stories (more in the end) with criteria of acceptances. The features which we are looking for are for example:
- adding new data points
- changing existing data points
- extract data based on some criteria
- manage access to the panel
The first job is to build the most necessary features, but after that we want to further develop its capabilities.
We are working on 2 weeks sprints, the code and issues are available on the github
User stories:
Admin who arrange checking points event
- I want to have control over who can add/change points so that it is not outsiders or bots (to add, delete users)
- I want to have predefined values of categories for similar types of points so that volunteers have to enter only its name and/or common value/s which will define similar types of points (e.g. "big bridge" by default will have "accessible_by": ["pedestrians","cars"])
-I want to mark (export?) points from a given area and/or a given value (range) in a category (e.g. only bridges accessible by bike longer than 2m) in order to pass it to volunteers for checking
Volunteer checking points during the event using their smartphone
- When I'm next to a point, I want to add it through the application immediately, so that the data is saved straight away and I don't have to send it later by email.
- I want to select the operator's name and/or type of categories from suggestions, or suggest a new one to make it as time-efficient as possible and avoid making typos in the process.
- I want to confirm that a point's location and it's values in each category match those which are in the database, so I will not waste time by adding a point that already exists
- I want to edit the name of a point