Administrative maintenance of websites, fixing minor bugs, modifying modules/text (back-end and front-end) / WordPress

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Job description

Hello, I need help with the administration of small websites based on WordPress, usually templates, basic plugins, hosting on

The order is to take care of 1 website (front-end and back-end) + hosting. These are usually small websites with a few subpages, only Polish, local small companies. The goal is for the website not to fall apart and to work properly with minor bug fixes during the year and backups to be safe.

From experience I estimate it will take about 12-18 hours of work within a year if nothing falls apart + implementation of the theme/first major overhaul.

All additional orders (modifications, adding pages/text etc) - will be priced separately and billed separately.

I ask for offers only people who would call themselves specialists in this field with min. 1 year of experience in WP-based website development.

Preferable solution

Assignment completely remotely, no calls, all tasks on task board, communication only chat/messages, no pouring water just working on project.

Required features

I will be asking you to provide the address of 1 - 2 sites you are currently looking after for verification purposes, accountability, accuracy and knowledge/experience is key for me.