Adding photos to our blog

Closed job

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9 deals
Job category:
Data entry
Expected budget:

21.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a person who can add NICE photos to a website (wordpress blog).

The photos need to be compressed before uploading to the site using Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo or a free online photo compressor:

Sometimes it's uploading compressed photos from the website, and specifying the source of the photo.

Sometimes it is uploading compressed photos from Facebook and specifying the source of the photo.

Sometimes it's embedding photos or video from Instagram. It all depends on the availability of photos.

Please send me offers and information with the price for adding 50 photos.

Subject matter/industry:

gastronomia, podróże

Type and number of texts:

Dodanie 50 zdjęć

Number of characters:

The job in figures:

Adding 50 photos

Place or location:

gastronomy, travel

Type and number of texts:

Dodanie 50 zdjęć