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From: Poland

Location: Wrocław, PL

On Useme since 25 April 2020

About me

Hi, since May 2019 I have my own podcast ("Niemiecki dla IT" if you want to check it out). I like this medium for many reasons, but most of all, because you can do other things while listening to podcasts (commute to work, clean the haus, work out and other). The second reason is that you have a even intimate contact 1 on 1 with your listener, because the majority listens on hedphones. Back to the main topic. Through working on my own podcast I've got to know every aspect of creating one and I like the most the production part of it. Creating from a raw tape a redy to publish final version gives me great satisfaction, allows me to be artistically fulfilled ;-). If you want to focus on you content let me handel the production of your podcast. Below you can find some exaple of my work.


027_Befehlzeileschnittstelle_-_interfejs_linii_komend_-_SAMPLE.mp3 Odcinek 27 "Niemieckiego dla IT"

It is the 27th episode of my podcast "Niemiecki dla IT" I think it's representativ of what I do in podcast produktion

Introduction 02

It is the same recording as in point 2, with the difference that it is the raw recording, without any editing. This way you can compare version before production with the version after it.

Introduction 01

Tape after editing. The topic is presenttion of my offer, recorded during walking my dog. Usually I listen do podcast while walking my dog, that is why I thought, that despite the background noise, it is a good place. By the way it shows the...