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From: Poland

Location: Lublin, PL

On Useme since 23 January 2019

About me

My name is Marcin Golianek, I'm a polish photographer based in Lublin. My photography started not from passion but curiosity, from drive to be better in what I do and the need to create. This need, haunted me from a very young age through a lot of hobbies, but photography has fascinated me the most. And this is what for me is the most important in what I do. To tell a story and awake feelings in the person who looks at my photographs .To craft the light at my will. To make something inspiring.

For a long time my main focus was photojournalism but as soon as I walked into the studio and discover colour gels it flipped my point of view completely. Artificial lights gave me ability not only to show the world as I see it but to create a new one.

My work can be seen on magazines, press and music covers. I enjoy work with other creatives like video makers, musicians, makeup artists and stylists. When you see a whole team united and willing to add their passion to make a photoshoot work out you know you do it right.



Portfolio item
Okładki albumów muzycznych zespołu Black Velvet Ba

Music album covers for "Pożoga" and "Ostatni Tabor" by Black Velvet Band

Portfolio item
Okładka albumu "Une Solution"

Music album cover for "Une Solution" by Abraham D

Portfolio item Sesja fotograficzna

Mixture of continious and flash light to keep sharp image of model while still getting some movement. Color gels added to fill the shadows with blue light.

Portfolio item
Okładki albumów muzycznych zespołu Chocolate

Music covers for "¥E$" and "Addicted To Your Lies"

Portfolio item Warsztaty Fotograficzne

Warsztaty fotograficzne "Malowania światłem" Które poprowadziłem jako Ambasador marki Fomei w Lublinie i Krakowie.