From: Poland
Location: Bydgoszcz, PL
On Useme since 12 July 2020
I am an enthusiast of electronics and Arduino projects. Such hobby gives me an opportunity to gain experience with developing software in C++ and Python. That fact influences my work so that I still look for an opportunity to improve and automate repetitive office routines. In my work I use API of Solidworks PDM / Solidworks CAD, VSTO for Excel and Excel VBA. I take advantage of such applications as Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio as well as .NET Framework platform to prepare embedded and stand-alone add-ins and SQL connectors. I like work in a team since I believe that working with people arouses creativity.
Zadaniem dodatku było zautomatyzowanie importowania i mapowania danych z pliku .xls dostarczanego przez klienta – w tym przypadku dostawcę towaru – do innego pliku .xls będącego formularzem służącym do wyeksportowania danych dla sklepu...