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From: Poland

Location: Raciborowice Górne, PL

On Useme since 9 July 2021

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About me

I am a computer science student, interested in programming, system administration and cloud solutions.


Baza danych z klientem do obsługi wypożyczalni sam

MS SQL database along with .NET client to support car rental company. Allows all CRUD operations and more. Client is universal, you can use it for other databases.

CovidTracker - aplikacja webowa (projekt na studia

A web-based application for people currently suffering from COVID-19 and people interested in the collected statistics. It enables analysis of the course of the disease on the basis of data collected from users. Provides health recommendations....

VPS skonfigurowany pod serwer gier oraz voice chat

I ran a game server and a voice chat server on VPS for 2 years. Configured from scratch, managed by me.

Webservice REST do wyszukiwarki graczy

API supporting authorization/authentication, queuing of players willing to play, selection of players according to previously given preferences.

Tech: Java, Spring Boot, MariaDB, Docker