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From: Poland

Location: Lublin, PL

On Useme since 20 April 2022

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About me

I live in Lublin and would like to work remotely. I am an experienced librarian - I worked in academic libraries in Poland and UK (London).

In the library work I search for information online and in physical sources. Among others, I was also a subject cataloguer and I dealt with collection classification so I had to take into account the content of books not only the formal alphabetical description. Therefore, I am willing to undertake research on request.

For 15 years I lived in London, where I worked in an English-speaking environment and also completed my second MSc in Information Science from University College London. I have acquired practical and fluent English skills and I would like to continue my knowledge of English by translating texts from English into Polish and vice versa. So far, I have been doing this part-time in the following areas: general English, scientific and religious texts. I am eager to learn localization and subtitle / transcription translation.


How climate change affects biodiversity

English to Polish: How climate change affects biodiversity/Wpływ zmian klimatycznych na bioróżnorodność General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology

Antennas get smart

English to Polish: Antennas get smart/Inteligentne anteny General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Telecommunication

Relacja z jubileuszu 50-lecia Wiary i Światła

Tłumaczenie z polskiego na angielski: Relacja z jubileuszu 50-lecia Wiary i Światła na Jasnej Górze/Report on the 50th anniversary of Faith and Light at Jasna Góra Dziedzina: Religia

Glass from space

English to Polish: Glass from space/Szkło z kosmosu General field: Science Detailed field: Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)


Tłumaczenie z polskiego na angielski: Hydroksyapatyt - naturalny minerał regenerujący zęby/Hydroxyapatite - a natural mineral that regenerates teeth Dziedzina: Medycyna Dziedzina szczegółowa: Stomatologia