Wykonanie komentarzy/opinii produktu

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Recent jobs from category Jobs for students

  • no avatar
    One Page Website
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi, I'm looking for someone to embrace HTML and CSS for my One Page Website. I have a prepared design - no water features. A simple headline, two pictures, with four sentences of text and that's it. The site is not supposed to scroll on a PC and is supposed to be responsive.
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    W pełni ja
    Creating in canva
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need a person who will also apply already created texts to video on already created template in canva. I am looking for a person who can start doing this on the spot. I have about 90 micro projects to create per month
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KNG Invest LTD
12 deals
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200.00 PLN

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Witam ,

Poszukuje osoby do wykonania opinii produktów wraz z ich komentarzem.

2 sklepy internetowe - łącznie 400 komentarzy/opinii

Dla właściwego kandydata napisze dokładny opis jak to ma wyglądać i jakie powinny być recenzje.

The job in figures:

wykonanie 400 pozytywnych opinii