Writing several dozen short texts (each max 200 words) and two essays

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Job description

Writing several dozen short texts (each max 200 words) and two essays in EN English, in the field of cosmetology, aesthetic medicine, non-medical therapies.

Here are the topics for essays:

1. Write an essay on the definition of non-aesthetic therapies, the history and development of these treatments and discuss the difference between medical and non-medical and surgical and non-surgical options.

2. Describe the importance of working in line with organisational procedures, such as manufacturers protocols, marketing guidelines, UK government guidelines and clinical governance.

Include the disadvantages to lone working. Conflict resolution and continuing with your own professional development.

Short (max 200 words) answers to questions. There are 25 questions. Examples:

1.Define the role of clinical oversight within non-medical aesthetic therapies

2.Examine the psychological factors which may influence advanced aesthetic therapy procedures

3.Define the effects of UV light on the skin ageing process

Number of characters:

200 words

Type and number of texts:

Two essays (max. 2k words), 25 short answers, max 200 words